Experiential Body Psychotherapy Training for Therapists & Others

This section describes my current teaching activities; experiental workshops for professionals available at request 

Working with “difficult” clients

– embodied and enactive exploring of new ways of working with conflict and emotional dysregulation

- Supervision, Teaching and Self-Development for psychotherapists

- Manual trainings for disorder specific body psychotherapy: Chronic depression, Somatoform Disorders (Functional / Somatic Symptom Disorder) and chronic Psychosis    

Teaching workshops for Psychotherapists

Manual trainings

In these workshops I am working together with a senior CBT therapist/lecturer, offering a unique opportunity to explore new ways of relating to difficulties within therapeutic relationships, utilising the full range of  creative potentials.

The workshops deliberately cross the lines of therapeutic modalities and are targeted towards therapists with a background in Cognitive-Behaviour, Psychodynamic and Systemic Therapies, who would like to enrich their understanding of relational processes and corresponding portfolio of therapeutic interventions.

Participants are invited to present case vignettes from their therapeutic practice to explore creative embodied solutions for therapeutic dilemmas.

- The workshops offer experiential sections and small group work (exploring body experience and emotional regulation processes through sensory awareness and movement). 
- Structured teaching on body-oriented psychotherapeutic work accompanies the exploration of case vignettes. 
- Supervision touches upon (somatic) transference processes and establishes an understanding of one’s own processing of affect regulation pattern and nonverbal interaction with others.
For experienced body psychotherapists and Dance Movement Psychotherapists

I am offereing those together with my colleague Nina Papadopoulos (Senior DMP therapist)

These are two day workshops, we provide extensive theoretical introductions, covering disorder specific pathologies/difficulties, the rational for BPT approach, the intervention strategy

The workshop includes self-experiential and role play elements  

All elements of the manualised intervention therapy (groups) will be trained and practiced together 

Experiential groups 

These can be arranged at request 

Body psychotherapy lends itself to working with patients who experience problems with somatic symptoms or who ​have otherwise problems with their body image or perception.
In this talk I summarise the approach and the research we conducted at ELFT to investigate the effectiveness

In this open seminar at the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, I talk about Body Psychotherapy  and how it developed out of the work of Wilhelm Reich to a modern relational & embodied approach